$588.00 USD

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Activating Abundance: Unlock YOUR Inner "Winner" 1-Time Payment

Unlock the secrets to being a WINNER in life!

Change your mind and shift your energy to Activate and Manifest Abundance with my proven methods in as little as 30 days!

This power-packed training program will give you the tools and action steps to:

  • Realize and activate your greatest potential and play full out while encountering more opportunities for advancement
  • Dissolve OLD & OUTDATED fears, doubts, and limitations that once felt concrete
  • Graciously grow to improve your health, wealth, relationships, and spirit so you can transform each area of your life (without sacrificing the others)
  • Trade a “never, no, either, or” approach to life for a “yes, and, also, in addition to” worldview and perspective 
  • Transform your mindset to be HARD WIRED for abundance, and say “Farewell” to your defeating stories and patterns around scarcity, jealousy, and lack that have been holding you back from fulfilling your greatness and finding your true purpose
  • In addition to the tangible tools, steps, and action pieces, this power-packed training program will be activating and unlocking the energetic abundance code within. Each activation builds on one another and will amplify your personal experience with abundance. 

    Activations are powerful healing energy that works to clear out old and lower vibrational memories, thoughts, and emotions that are located in the cells of your body, auric field, and DNA. As the blocks and the lower energy patterns are removed, your body receives new, higher vibrational light codes for every part of your being.

    This helps increase the amount of light to flow through you, and it allows you to create a new, more pleasant, and loving life. The healing is powerful as it comes from the Creator himself {Source, God whomever, or whatever you are drawn to call}. Healers are merely the conduit.

    These activations work with your own internal light codes to restore any dormant activity in your cells, recovering YOUR potential, THEN amplifying it.  They disconnect you from the collective consciousness, group consciousness, religious consciousness, and genetic consciousness. These activations will be working with the subconscious mind, and energy body to clear negative, limiting beliefs. They work as a “clean sweep” to help you dislodge and dispel any old patterns, energies, and cords and release oaths, vows, commitments, contracts, and negative energies from this and other dimensions associated with the category of that activation. 


    Activating Abundance truly is a way to CLEAN UP and REVIVE your DIVINE NATURAL STATE OF BEING: ABUNDANCE. It is OUR BIRTHRIGHT to experience it to its fullest.

    We get tainted along the way from conditioning, programming, and past mistakes, and assume that “it's just not in the cards” for us. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Join me to re-align to your truth, activate your abundance, and open up your receiving channels like never before

We will CLEAR layers of misaligned energies such as

Resistant to Receiving, Guilt, Worry, Looking Back, "I don't belong" stories, Judgments, Scarcity, Releasing Chains, Releasing “I can't”, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, Envy

And we will be Activating:

Courage, Acceptance, Peace, and  activating your own unique money sequence & your own unique abundance sequence

We will also activate and amplify the embodiment of appreciation while re-aligning our understanding of value.



You’ll Learn:

  • How to understand your personal energy
  • Mindfulness practices and why they are so important
  • How to process intense emotions 
  • The formula of energetic and psychology-based techniques to keep yourself at the top of your game
  • To increase your level of self-awareness
  • How to tap into your creative imagination 
  • Ways of moving through transition periods with more understanding and ease 
  • How your attitude shapes your day
  • How to set goals to keep you focused on your creations

…And so much more!


In all of the Modules you will get:

  • Written Lessons and Daily PDFs to keep you on track! 
  • Video training with renowned intuitive educator & coach, Holly Wynn
  • Hands-on assignments to apply what you learn so that you take control of your life
  • Powerful energy clearings and Abundance Activations
  • Access to Holly to ask questions on the LIVE Q&A threads, in the private FB community 


Get ready for 30 days to shift your life, and embrace the abundance you desire! 

This is not all self-study. You will have ME to guide, lead and support you along the way in the FB group.


What clients are saying: 

"Guys, I'm just getting shift after shift through this amazing material already. Lots coming up in the 3-day Masterclass and loads more in our first lesson.

I was able to clear some big blocks around being "on the outside, looking in" - abundance and happiness are for everyone else, but somehow not for me, as well as allowing various things (cash, opportunities, dignity, my personal power, my freedom to choose....) to be taken from me. BIG STEPS FORWARD and I feel so much lighter, thank you, beautiful Holly Wynn, for your amazingness 🤗 I hope y'all are also having breakthroughs? Pls share!" ~Carla


"Working with Holly using the MAP method during her Activating Abundance course was more than I could have possibly dreamed it could be.

Not only was the MAP method super applicable and easy to follow, it is also so effective.  This is one of those tools I will carry with me for the rest of my life.  During my time with Holly, I discovered so much about myself and cleared out a ton of stuck and stagnant energy.  

One of the most valuable things I found though was my power.  I had been feeling like a big missing piece in my life was my power.  But knowing that information did nothing for me until I finally discovered what it felt like to actually feel my power.  

Holly helped me work through some huge hurdles throughout the course both during our zoom calls and privately outside of class time.  

I can’t thank Holly enough for the space she created for me and every other soul immersed in Activating Abundance.  We all had such an amazing time together in the group and I know I have made new and lasting friendships because of the deep work we all did together.  

Thank you Holly for sparking something amazing and profound within me!  My abundance has truly been activated.  I’m honored and grateful to share this life experience with you.  I love you! - A.F. "


"I signed up for activating abundance with some reservations that I might already know all of the content that would be shared. I have worked on manifestation and healing and many different abundance methods over the past several years and I feel like I have heard it all and made so much progress already.

I knew from working with Holly in the past though that she always over-delivers and I was also aware that I was still blocking abundance in several areas, so I trusted my intuition and made the decision to participate, and I am so grateful that I did! The course was absolutely more than I could have ever imagined. Even the parts that were review for me, were presented in such a fresh new way that I was able to get more insight than I could have hoped for. Holly is the best teacher, mentor, and intuitive guide that I have ever had the pleasure of working with and she has such a talent for presenting information in fun and easy-to-understand ways. She also focuses on the most important part of learning and the part that I struggle with the most, and that’s implementation.

As if all of that wasn’t enough, the energetic activations and meditations that accompanied each lesson were so so powerful and helpful. It was an unexpected addition to the course and honestly, I felt like those bonuses alone were worthy of being their own entire course! Activating abundance allowed me to dig deep into the areas I was still blocking energy from flowing, taught me a new tool to really get the energy moving, it really opened me up to a whole new level of receiving and the meditations uncovered deep layers of healing that were still hiding beneath the surface. I have felt so much more in the flow and accepting of all that is here in the present moment. Because of this newfound mastery of ease and flow, I am finding things that I wish to create quickly manifesting in my reality, just by using the tools that Holly has taught me to stay in the energy that I wish to create from and supporting myself each step of the way. I appreciate this knowledge so much and am so thankful she followed her heart to share this method with all of us." - Kristin Bobb